Hello everyone!
I’ve gone a bit quiet... I’ll be honest, after bringing forth the final episode of series one of the Wild Yarn Shop Podcast I needed a little break. My day job has been pretty intense too so I just needed a day or two to myself to sit in my pants, watch Netflix and do some actual knitting 🧶☺️
If you follow me on instagram @knit_knit_wild you can see what knitting I’m up to, two WIPs some sockeroonies which are a bit mad to be honest and a jumper. I’ll do a proper post about both of these too at some point. The socks are for my husband... Ideally for Christmas thought I never stated which Christmas...
Speaking of Christmas, I’m working on some exciting things! So keep an eye out, share with your friends and watch this space for some exciting announcements in the coming weeks!
Oh and another thing, I’m in the process of trying to create some access videos, essentially text videos of the podcast which can be used for people with hearing difficulties or anyone who feels that they would benefit from being able to read along with the podcast. It’s ok if only one person ever watches it, I’d like to try to include people. It’ll take me a while, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to do every episode but I’ll do my best. If anyone has any ideas on how to make it easier I would be super appreciative...
As ever, thanks for listening, reading, liking and subscribing ☺️